Customs Services

To ensure that our clients in international trade can optimize their processes and avoid risks, PwC Bulgaria maintains an expert team specializing in customs matters. Our experts can provide comprehensive assistance and advice in connection with the correct application of customs and excise duties.
Tapping into the resources of the global PwC network, we are familiar with the latest regulations in international commerce. As the above duties directly impact your profit, they have to be administrated and paid diligently in order to avoid fines. Whether you are engaged in import or export activities, you can count on our expert assistance in maximizing your profit and simplifying administrative matters.
vat customs tax

We provide customs services in the following areas:

  • Identifying savings and refund opportunities related to customs duties
  • Duty suspension, obtaining customs simplifications
  • Optimizing the calculation of customs value
  • Advice on rules of origin and free trade agreements
  • Advice on the correct tariff classification of goods from the perspectives of customs duty, VAT, excise duty
  • Obtaining expert opinions and binding (tariff and origin) information from the customs authority
  • Optimizing customs-related procedures at both the domestic and international level
  • Obtaining customs authorisations (also with retroactive effect)
  • Reviewing the applicability and introducing customs procedures with economic impact
  • Advice on obtaining and maintaining Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status
  • Advice related to trade in dual-use goods
  • Advice on commercial policy measures (e.g. anti-dumping duties)
  • Optimizing customs duty payments
  • Advice on customs regulations
  • Assistance during customs audits and support in appeals procedures
  • Preparing ruling requests to be submitted to the competent ministries and the customs authority

Contact us

Orlin Hadjiiski

Orlin Hadjiiski

Partner, Tax & Legal Services, PwC Bulgaria

Nikolay  Ilchev

Nikolay Ilchev

Partner, Tax Services, PwC Bulgaria

Tel: + 359 894 332 921

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